
Program Educational Objectives

  1. Practice the M&ME profession as demonstrated by
    1. Continued professional employment,
    2. Job promotion, and/or
    3. Expanded career responsibilities
  2. Obtain professional registration
    1. Professional Engineer (PE),
    2. Qualified Professional (QP), and/or
    3. Professional Certification
  3. Complete an advanced degree in M&ME or a related field
    1. Master of Science (MS)
    2. Masters of Engineering,
    3. Doctorate (PhD or ScD)
  4. Continue professional development as demonstrated by
    1. Society membership and participation,
    2. Master's in Business Administration (MBA),
    3. 通过研讨会和项目管理领导力培训继续教育, Health and Safety, and other career-relevant areas, and/or
    4. Engineering related volunteerism.

Student Outcomes


  1. identify, formulate, 运用工程原理解决复杂的材料科学与工程问题, science, and mathematics
  2. 应用工程设计来产生满足特定需求的解决方案,同时考虑到公众健康, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. 认识到在工程情况下的道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. 使用适当的学习策略,获取和应用新知识
  8. apply advanced science, such as chemistry, biology, and physics), 程序修改器所隐含的材料系统的计算技术和工程原理, e.g., ceramics, metals, polymers, biomaterials, composite materials
  9. 整合对该领域四个主要要素的科学和工程原理的理解:结构, properties, processing, 以及与该领域相关的冶金和材料系统的性能, and
  10. 应用和整合知识,从以上四个要素的领域使用实验, computational, 并采用统计学方法解决材料选择和设计等问题,使之符合本课程的教学目标.

To satisfy these student outcomes, the curriculum has evolved to:

  1. 培养学生了解冶金和材料工程的广泛应用和方法
  2. 准备学生适应一个不断变化的世界及其对矿物的需求, metals and materials, and
  3. provide students with practical, hands-on experiences through numerous laboratory courses, Senior Design projects, and field trips.

鼓励学生通过暑期实习和合作教育项目在冶金和材料工程或相关领域找到工作. 实习和合作社为学生提供实践经验,并帮助指导他们的职业选择, pay college expenses, and ultimately improve their marketability upon graduation.


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for Materials Engineers in 2023 was $104,100, and the highest 10% earned more than $165,580. Employment is projected to grow at 5% between 2022 and 2032, which is faster than the average for all occupations. Opportunities are available in a variety of industries where minerals, metals and materials are produced and consumed. These industries include but are not limited to mining, manufacturing, petroleum, iron/steel making, automotive, recycling, chemicals, paper/pulp, aerospace, maintenance, corrosion, and forensics.

Note From Career Services

这里提供的就业统计数据来自毕业生完成的年度调查. 这项年度调查的目的是促进当前在校生和未来学生的职业决策. 安置数据是根据参加菲律宾十大彩票平台学院年度毕业生调查的毕业生的反馈得出的. Each annual class is comprised of Summer, Fall and Spring graduates. A small portion of the survey was provided by secondary sources. 已作出认真努力,以确保本报告所载职业资料的准确性. 因为菲律宾十大彩票平台学院培养学生的企业和行业具有周期性, 任何一年的就业统计数据都不应被视为具有代表性的长期永久性结果. The annual graduate survey should, instead, 在职业规划过程中只被视为一种信息资源. 如果您对调查信息有任何疑问,请联系就业服务中心. For additional information view the entire survey online at: fzeatk.bomabearing.com/career-services/surveys/index.html

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering - Baccalaureate
Metallurgical Engineering - Master
Metallurgical/Min Process Engineer - Master


Enrollment and Graduate Data by Program