
罗宾·布洛克博士.D. 环境工程联系罗宾·布洛克博士.D.,环境工程副教授.

科学 & 工程(年代&E) 317


合作伙伴关系 supporting Multidisciplinary scientific and engineering research towards improved Environmental Remediation, 恢复, and Reuse in the Natural Resource Extraction Sectors and Carbon Footprint Reduction and Reuse.


  • Monitoring and Evaluation of the 孤峰, Montana Mine Reclamation and 恢复 Areas

    “Montana Tech’s 环境修复中心 and 评估 (塞拉) efforts to utilize its expertise in the environmental sector is paramount. 塞拉 will directly develop and scale-up new technologies for waste materials from air, 水, 土壤, 和能源, 不仅是为了补救,也是为了有益的再利用. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院完全适合这个角色,孤峰-Silver Bow首席执行官JP Gallagher指出.

蒙大拿州司法部蒙大拿州司法部 Natural Resource Damage Program

  • Monitoring the Success of Streambank Treatments (SBT) and their Influence on Geomorphic Features Along the Upper Clark Form River Following Mine Cleanup and 恢复;
  • Evaluating the Development and Effect of Biocrust after Nutrient Amendment Application in the Mount Haggin Uplands Areas Impacted from Copper Smelter Emissions


  • Building the foundation for an impactful wildfire smoke exposure control project. 与蒙大拿州立大学合作;
  • Improving Community engagement to inform Environmental 健康 Perceptions from Heavy Metals exposure within a Mine Superfund Site
  • Recognizing the value of traditional knowledge in environmental decision making


  • Evaluating opportunities for Integrating Responsible 工程 & 本地知识设计,实施 & 评估拉丁美洲的可持续手工采矿. In collaboration with Colorado School of Mines, University of Texas, and US Air Force Academy http://digitalcommons.uri.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?= 1022条&上下文= jiee
  • Responsible Critical Elements: Transforming Earth Resource Development for a Carbon-Neutral Future. In collaboration with Colorado School of Mines and Fort Lewis College. 评估 of indigenous communities faced with critical mineral development in new, 活跃和废弃的矿山废物作业



Utilization of new and innovative spectral methods and remote sensing tools for understanding how gold and potentially critical minerals are concentrated within a closed tailings impoundment. These tools will help us to use mineralogy derived from spectral measurements (lab, 场, 和遥感),以帮助划定可采资源, aid in re-mining efforts and to identify residual environmental risks of mine wastes.

U.S. 内政部U.S. 内政部

  • 地表水和地下水水量改善评价, 质量, and Ecosystem Function from Implementation of Beaver Dam Analogs


  • Development of a non-thermal slash pile biochar device for use by landowners and loggers to reduce wildfire risk and enhance local 土壤 fertility


  • Development of a mobile biochar reactor and use of drones for conducting 土壤 remediation and restoration


  • 通过发展建设社区复原力 a community-wide climate solutions plan for Silver Bow County
  • Development of a mobile biochar reactor and use of drones for conducting 土壤 remediation and restoration


  • Recovery of Critical Metals and Rare Earth Elements from Mine Waste Water 


  • 矿山废弃物绿色混凝土的研制 


Dr. 罗宾·布洛克