You will be meeting with your advisees for the most part one-on-one in your office. 你应该计划:

  • Discuss with the students their goals and plans.
  • Ask them if they have any questions.
  • Help them choose four-five courses for the coming term.
  • 明确学位要求.
  • Review their 学位 audit to make sure it is correct and they understand it.
  • Help them explore options if they are unsure about their major.
  • Map out a tentative year or year(s) schedule.
  • Refer them to appropriate resources.
  • Ask them again if they have any questions.


  • 你有什么问题吗?
  • Why did you choose to come to Montana Tech?
  • What do you want to say about yourself as a student?
  • 你想在这里探索什么?
  • What major or majors are you considering?
  • Why are you considering that major
    • 只是为了职业生涯做准备?
    • 你喜欢那个研究领域吗?
    • What opportunities do you think you will find in this area?
    • 你想成为什么样的人?
    • What do you hope to do with your life?
  • Are there any special situations that we need to consider in planning your educational program? 例如,你必须工作吗? Are you responsible for your family? Do you have a military obligation?
  • 你会住在哪里? What kind of outside activities do you like?
  • Are you aware of the resources that are available? (Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction, Trio, 职业服务, Counseling, etc.)
  • What worries you about your college career?
  • How can I as your faculty advisor help you the most?
  • What questions do you still have?