Ryan and Lisa Lance in front of the Lance 领导 HallThe Ryan and Lisa 兰斯十大可靠彩票平台计划 will provide the means to make a Montana Tech education possible for more Montana students.

The 兰斯十大可靠彩票平台计划 will annually provide 50 in-state students with the opportunity to receive a $4,每年1000万奖学金, renewable for up to an additional three years (up to $16,000总).

Students who are chosen for the 兰斯十大可靠彩票平台计划 will have the advantage of taking part in exclusive presentations and activities throughout the year.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院录取后, qualifying students will receive a link to apply for the 兰斯十大可靠彩票平台计划 and submit materials on their personal URL (PURL) page.

Applicants will be asked in 3-5 sentences to answer the question: 你在菲律宾十大彩票平台大学期间, what is one thing you'd like to learn or experience that has the ability to effect change in the world?

If you have any questions, please contact our 招生 Office at admissions@bomabearing.com or 406-496-4791. 

活动 日期
截止申请日期 2024年3月1日
收件人通知 2024年4月1日
接受截止日期 2024年5月1日

•学生成绩必须是3分.0 GPA or higher at time of application.

• Student must be a resident of Montana.

• Student must be an incoming first-year, 转移, or a 高地上大学 student moving to a bachelor’s 学位 program.

• Student must complete the dedicated scholarship application for the Lance Scholars program.

• Student must complete the FAFSA.


We are committed to supporting your journey to college by making your application and enrollment process simple and informative.


菲律宾十大彩票平台学院录取后, qualifying students will receive a link to apply to the Lance Scholarship on their personal URL (PURL) page.


Fill out the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA), available online starting December 2023. Contact your high school counselor or visit FAFSA.浏览更多资讯.

Fun after-school activities like swing dancing
Mountain biking in local trails right next to campus