
Manager, Analytical Instrument Laboratory


B.S., 地质, University of Wisconsin – Madison


Gary has over 30 years of experience working in and managing analytical laboratories, including MSE Technology Applications, 香港天文台分析实验室, MSE-HKM分析实验室, 和MSE分析实验室. His past roles have included analytical chemist, 组长-金属分析, 有机化学家, 品质保证主任, 高级科学家和实验室经理. At 营 Gary oversees all analytical instrumentation, running the scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and wet chemistry laboratories, and is responsible for all instrument maintenance. Gary’s deep experience includes laboratory work, 中试工厂工作, 过程开发, 管理, applied water treatment technologies, 环保合规, 和研究. 营 greatly benefits from Gary’s unparalleled expertise in elemental and mineralogical analysis, which is requested worldwide from clients in both academia and industry.


Das,.; Hill, B.; Rossiter, P.; Wyss G.; Young, C. Characterization and processing of plant tailings for the recovery of fine garnet – a case study. Separation Science and Technology, 2021, 56(4), 821-833.

周,Z.; Zhou, X.; Apple, M.E.; Miao, J.; Wyss, G.F.; Spangler, L.  Quantification of cell concentration in biofuel-important microalgae using hyperspectral reflectance and hyperspectral extinction coefficient. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2019, 40(23), 8764-8792(29).

Sarfo P.; Wyss G.; Ma, G.; Das,.; Young, C. Carbothermal reduction of copper smelter slag for recycling into pig iron and glass. 矿业工程 2017, 107, 8-19.

墨菲,J.P.; Andriolo J.M.; Ross, B.M.; Wyss G.F.; Zander, N.E.; Skinner, J.L. Organometallic halide perovskite synthesis in polymer melt for improved stability in high humidity. 夫人的进步, 2016, 1(47), 3207-3213.   

Andriolo J.M.; Hensleigh, R.M.; McConnell, C. A.; Pedulla, M.; Hailer, K.; Kasinath, R.; Wyss, G.; 格里森W.; Skinner, J.L. Iron-doped apatite nanoparticles for improvement of phage therapy. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2014, 32(6), 06FD01.


Wyss G.F.; Logar, A.; Foote, M.; Jaynes, N.; Zaluski, M.H.; Hogan, M. Geochemical laboratory Testing of Nano-sized Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) for Mending an Existing Permeable Reactive Barrier in the 100-D Area at the Hanford Site. International Perspectives on Environmental Nanotechnology, Chicago, IL, Conference Proceedings, 1, 135-139, 2008.