

Montana Tech Research Thrust: 生物医学科学与生物技术

Dr. Pedulla received her B.S. in Chemistry with a bioscience option at the University of Pittsburgh with coursework including studies in French and Japanese. She received her Ph.D. 在匹兹堡大学生物学博士的实验室里. Graham Hatfull. 在华盛顿州立大学做了一段时间的博士后之后, she ran the Phage Genomics facility at the Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute and co-developed a phage discovery program with Dr. Graham Hatfull.

Dr. Pedulla brought phage discovery to teachers and students across Montana beginning as an assistant professor of Biology at Montana Tech in 2005. 超过13000名学生参加了她的噬菌体发现项目. 她已经获得了几项重要的研究资助, 包括NIH与epa合作的两项资助 题目是“将研究带入课堂”,和“噬菌体帮助获得真正的科学经验”.”

Curriculum Vitae

1998 Ph.D. Biology, University of Pittsburgh
1991 Japanese, University of Pittsburgh
1990 B.S. 化学/生物科学选项,匹兹堡大学

Genetics Lecture; Genetics Laboratory; Molecular Biology Lecture; Molecular Biology Laboratory; Undergraduate Research; Biology Sophomore Seminar; Pathogenesis; Transgenic Animals; Virology; Extremophiles; Professional Development; Virology 2; Principles of Living Systems; Developmental Biology; Knowledge surveys in assessing biological education; Special Topics Genetics Laboratory (co-taught with Dr. Katie Hailer); HHMI SEA Phages Discovery Course; Cancer Biology; HHMI SEA Phages In silico genome annotation bioinformatics lab; Medical Microbiology; Graduate Bacterial Pathophysiology ; Graduate Principles of Pharmacology; Graduate Seminar Series Graduate Thesis Research; Graduate Technical Writing; Graduate Genomic Medicine; Graduate Human Reproductive Biology ;Graduate Principles and Practice of Human Pathology; Graduate Bacteriophages; Graduate Research Class: Phage Biol Teach I and II (co-taught with Rayelynn Brandl, continuing education for BRIC project teachers); Professional Test Preparation, Graduate Bacteriophage Genomes.

2013-present          Professor, Department of Biology, Montana Tech


2008-2013年副教授 Department of Biology, Montana Tech

2005-2008年助理教授 Department of Biology, Montana Tech


2005,2006               Director, University of Pittsburgh Teacher Training Workshops

2002-2007, USJF柔道杂志主编

Research Interests

Dr. Pedulla's laboratory focuses on the discovery and characterization of mycobacteriophages.

  • Rare Earth Elements
  • Environmental Health
  • Biotechnology
  • Educational Outreach
  • Nanotechnology
  • Biomaterials & Nanomaterials

Research Expertise

Dr. Pedulla received her B.S. in Chemistry with a bioscience option at the University of Pittsburgh with coursework including studies in French and Japanese. She received her Ph.D. 在匹兹堡大学生物学博士的实验室里. Graham Hatfull. 在华盛顿州立大学做了一段时间的博士后之后, she ran the Phage Genomics facility at the Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute and co-developed a phage discovery program with Dr. Graham Hatfull. She brought phage discovery to teachers and students across Montana beginning as an assistant professor of Biology at Montana Tech in 2005. 超过13000名学生参加了她的噬菌体发现项目.其中有130多种新发现的噬菌体 entered into public databasesand >15 viral genomes annotated with teachers and students included as authors. 她已经获得了几项重要的研究资助, 包括NIH与epa合作的两项资助 题目是“将研究带入课堂”,和“噬菌体帮助获得真正的科学经验”,” and recently an NSF Major Research Instrumentation grant to acquire a multifunctional transmission electron microscope with which to image the student-discovered phages.

2022                 国家卫生科学研究所教育伙伴奖



2022                 国家科学基金重大研究仪器



2021                 Montana INBRE Rapid Infrastructure


2019                 国家卫生研究院,科学教育伙伴奖


                          $1.3 Million

2014                 国家卫生研究院,科学教育伙伴奖


                          $1.25 Million

2013                 National Science Foundation

                          EAGER Funding Mechanism“Nanoparticle-mediated increase in viral plaque formation,(与Raj Kasinath和Katie Hailer合作)


2010                 Montana Board of Research & Commercialization Technology

                          “Nanoparticle-Bacteriophage Cocktails to Combat Infectious Disease (with Raj Kasinath and Jovanka Voyich)


2009                 M.J. 默多克慈善信托基金与科学合作伙伴(与Kate McElroy合作)


2009-14           国立卫生研究院MT INBRE 4/9资助研究工资


2007                 Montana Tech Faculty Seed Grant


2007                 蒙大拿州装备计划(与蒙大拿州技术推广)



2006                 美国国立卫生研究院cobre人畜共患疾病免疫疗法发展中心

                          “Isolation and Characterization of Bacteriophages That Infect Mycobacterial Species”


  • Annotated bacteriophage genomes in GenBank 分枝噬菌体toj(文献编号. OP820473), VRedHorse (accession no. OP867027), gigioui(登录号. OP297528)和Whatsapiecost(加入号. ON526976) (2022) Eradicator (accession no. MZ171378) (2021), Rope (accession no. MT684602)和Moonbeam(登记号. MT684593) (2020) Prickles (accession no. MN444868)和Tomaszewski(加入号. MN096364) (2019) Wamburgrxpress (accession no. MH744425) and HSavage (accession no. MH576954) (2018), Froghopper (accession no. MK112540) and Mr.Yolo (accession no. MH338239) (2017) Nimrod (accession no. MK433262)和DillTech15(登记号. MH077578) (2016) OwlsT2W (accession no. MH051257) (2015) GageAP (accession no. MH020236),奥利弗瓦尔特(登记号. MG925356)和BigPaolini(加入号. MK112530) (2018), and KayaCho (accession no. KF024729) (2013)
  • Hanauer, D.I. et al. (2017) An Inclusive Research-Education Community (iREC): A model for student engagement in Science, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,
  • J. M. Andriolo; R. J. Rossi; C. A. McConnell; B. I. Connors; K. Trout; M. K. Hailer; M. L. Pedulla; J. L. Skinner, (2016"Influence of iron-doped apatite nanoparticles on viral infection examined in bacterial versus algal systems," IEEE纳米生物科学汇刊 , 15: 908-916 DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2016.2619349
  • Pope, W.H. et al. (2015) “Whole genome comparison of a large collection of mycobacteriophages reveals a continuum of bacteriophage genetic diversity” eLife DOI: 10.7554/eLife.06416.00
  • Andriolo, JM, Hensleigh, RM, McConnell, CA, Pedulla, M, Hailer, K, Kasinath, R, Wyss, G, Gleason, W, and Skinner, JL, (2014) "Iron-Doped Apatite Nanoparticles for Improvement of Phage Therapy" Vac. Sci. Technol. B 32, 06FD01;


2023          Montana Tech Faculty Merit Award for Exceptional Achievement in Service and Scholarship

2022          Montana Tech College of Letters Science Professional Studies Faculty Community Engagement Award



Sigma Xi,科学研究协会

American Society for Microbiology

Dr. Pedulla is interested in:

  • History
  • Hiking
  • Philosophy of science
  • Nature
  • Skiing
  • 微生物学,细胞,分子和发育生物学
  • Running
  • Floating


Dr. 佩杜拉也有一个有竞争力的体育背景,包括:

1987-1990年全国大学柔道锦标赛,体重114磅., First Place.


1996, 1997 U.S. 全国高级柔道冠军,52公斤级.


1996年100周年奥运会女子柔道-52公斤级,第七名. 泛美柔道锦标赛-52公斤级,第三名.



Connect with Dr. Pedulla.


Chemistry & Biology Building 216
Montana Tech
(406) 496-4836