
工业卫生(IH)毕业生应用先进的科学方法, 工程和技术预测, recognize, evaluate and control chemical, 职业和公共卫生环境中的物理和生物危害. Through the design and application of a noise control technique or the elimination of a hazardous chemical from the workplace environment, his定期与管理层合作,以减轻暴露风险. Industrial hygienists also play an important role in shaping and implementing government policy concerning worker health and safety. IHs有大量独特的就业机会. Unlike many other professions, IHs are not limited to one particular type of industry. 他们受雇于各种各样的组织,如公用事业, government, academia, research laboratories, hospitals, insurance companies, consulting firms, oil, chemical and manufacturing companies, and mining operations. Students who enjoy the sciences, 在有趣的环境中进行实地工作, and who are seeking an advanced degree in a rewarding field should consider Industrial Hygiene.


Montana Tech recently constructed a state-of-the art Safety Lab which allows for an abundance of experiential learning exercises within the curriculums. The quality of our programs is recognized by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals as Qualified Academic Programs. Additionally, the program is accredited by the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET (http://www.abet.org/), and is supported by a 国家职业安全和健康培训研究所项目补助金.


Courses and research in the M.S. Industrial Hygiene program are facilitated by world-class faculty whose advanced academic preparation and professional experience help integrate academic theory with current practical application. The curricula is designed to provide graduates with the academic preparation needed to pass the certification examination administered by the Board for Global EHS Credentialing (Formally ABIH).


实验课使用三个实验室. 其中两个侧重于工业卫生,还有一个侧重于工业卫生, state-of-the art Safety Lab, which allows for an abundance of experiential learning exercises within the curriculum.

Spectacular Location  

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院在Butte的位置为您提供了许多娱乐机会, such as hiking and fishing. Butte位于蒙大拿州的中心, 让你有机会接触到波兹曼的行业关系, Helena, and Missoula.


Qualified Montana Tech undergraduates have the opportunity to receive an MS IH degree at an accelerated pace by getting a jump start on required graduate coursework. Students accepted into the program will incorporate graduate-level coursework into the undergraduate curriculum and there is the opportunity to count up to 9 undergraduate credit hours toward the graduate degree. Students can typically complete all remaining graduate requirements in 1 year after finishing their undergraduate degree.

Program Requirements  

工业卫生是一门以科学为基础的学科. The Board of Global EHS Credentialing has defined several criteria to test an individual’s knowledge across the broad range of industrial hygiene subject areas. 这些学科领域包括基础科学、化学、生物学、解剖学 & physiology, physics, and mathematics.

我们已经建立了M的准入标准.S. 工业卫生计划,确保学生的成功. 申请人在可接受的本科学术准备的基础上被录取, personal statement, and reference recommendations. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university that included as a minimum 19 credits of college-level mathematics and science, (包括第一学期微积分和统计学), 生物学(包括解剖学/生理学), 化学(含有机化学), and physics. Prospective students who meet these requirements and who have at least two years of professional work experience in occupational health and safety may also wish to consider our online program in industrial hygiene.

The personal statement should be no more than a single page, written by you, explaining:

  • 你是谁,你的主要学术和专业成就是什么
  • 你为什么对工业卫生感兴趣
  • 为什么你觉得你会在这个项目中取得成功
  • What you hope to do with your degree

M .的优先申请截止日期.S. Industrial Hygiene Program is:

  • March 1 for Summer & Fall semesters
  • October 1 for Spring semester

These deadlines are also applicable to Montana Tech undergraduate students applying to the 5-year Master's Degree Program. 

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What is Industrial Hygiene? 

Industrial hygienists play an important role in ensuring the workplace is as free from hazards as possible and that the workers and the community at large are protected from potential health threats. Moreover, industrial hygienists work with management to anticipate problems that could occur and take action to prevent them before they happen. Also, industrial hygienists play an important role in shaping and implementing government policy concerning worker health and safety. 


Job diversity is a major benefit to consider when choosing a career in the health/environmental sciences. 工业卫生学家有大量独特的就业机会. Unlike many other professions, 工业卫生学家并不局限于某一特定类型的工业. 他们受雇于各种各样的组织,如公用事业, government, academia, research laboratories, hospitals, insurance companies, consulting firms, oil, chemical and manufacturing companies, and mining operations.


The Industrial Hygiene, M.S. 学位包括化学课程, biological, and physical hazards, statistical analysis, advanced industrial toxicology, epidemiology, and more. 37学分的论文研究型学位旨在培养学生的参与性, collaborative, and applied problem-solving strategies to address modern day occupational health issues. 

Learn More About Industrial Hygiene
IH Department


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We're proud of our accreditation.

Related Programs
IH Distance Learning

The distance M.S. 学位的结构鼓励参与, collaborative, and applied problem-solving strategies to address modern day occupational health issues. Working professionals can obtain education in industrial hygiene with the overall goal of providing the technical competence to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, 控制职业健康危害.

Master of Engineering

推进你的职业生涯,在12个工程领域中选择一个专业, including civil, electrical, environmental, geological, geophysical, geotechnical, hydrogeological, mechanical, metallurgical/minerals, materials, mining engineering, petroleum. 这个学位为专业发展和执照提供了一条途径.

MPEM, Distance

提高您的技术和管理技能,尽量减少对您工作日的干扰. Several companies, in collaboration with Montana Tech, initiated the Master’s in Project Engineering and Management (MPEM) program to satisfy their expanding needs.

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Dr. Dan Autenrieth
Associate Professor
(406) 496-4339