广泛的, student-focused curriculum includes pollution prevention, 可持续性, 水及空气质素, 废水处理, 土地和土壤恢复.

Why Study Environmental 工程 at Montana Tech? 

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院获得abet认证的环境工程学士学位,获得全面的技能和工作准备. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院是仅有的在本科阶段提供空气质量工程课程的环境工程学位课程之一. 您将从 环境工程学院 学习,他们致力于学生的学习. They have multiple years of field, research, and teaching experience. 这些专家十大可靠彩票平台通过将具有挑战性的研究课题与课程材料相结合,确保您接受环境工程方面的相关教育.

Montana Tech boasts a strong career outcome rate. 您将受益于11:1的师生比例和非凡的动手学习环境. 你将积极参与实地考察,看到大量的环境工程场景, such as the ceramic membrane water treatment plant in 孤峰, 全国仅有的两家之一. 这些经历帮助菲律宾十大彩票平台学院环境工程专业的学生在研究和创新解决方案方面赢得了多个地方和国家奖项.

先进的实验室 & 设备

通过使用最先进的分析技术的环境工程学位课程,获得操作复杂仪器所需的先进知识和技能, 实验室, 现场设备. 你可以在环境实验课程中使用仪器,并有机会协助教师进行创新研究项目, such as developing living membranes for water quality improvement.

Environmental 工程 Internships

通过在多个就业领域的各种环境工程实习,获得更多的实践经验, 比如工程咨询, 自然资源, 能源行业. As an in-demand environmental engineering student, you’ll have your pick of top internships in your area of interest. You can earn up to $35,000 for the summer depending upon the opportunity.


Experience and perform environmental engineering tasks, such as water quality measurements and treatments, 土壤侵蚀研究, reclamation and restoration project implementation, 泥沙输移模拟, toxic metal migration prediction and its impact, and air quality monitoring and impact studies. 你也将有无数的机会享受蒙大拿州的户外美景,无论是在比尤内外还是在整个州.

Study Environmental 工程 and Have Fun Too

Get involved in various clubs and organizations on campus, 比如菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的环境工程师或无国界工程师组织. Ski at nearby resorts or in the backcountry. Enjoy southwest Montana’s hot springs. Hike the Great Divide and other trails. Fish in pristine mountain streams.


通过这个严格的环境工程学位,你不仅可以获得成功所需的知识和技能. You’ll also develop communication, 人际关系, 项目管理技能以及雇主所需要的环境立法和监管意识. 从菲律宾十大彩票平台学院聘用的环境工程学院到职业服务中心, 你会有资源, 支持, 你还需要人脉来获得梦寐以求的实习和工作,并获得环境工程的高薪.




Multitude of Summer Internships Available
National Competitions w/ Professional Networking

What is Environmental 工程?

环境工程包括工程学、数学、生物学、化学和地质学. Environmental engineers understand, address, and develop solutions to complex environmental problems, 比如气候变化, 全球变暖, disaster preparation and remediation, 空气和水污染, 水源保护, 危险废物, 以及环境立法, 监管, 政策发展.

What Kinds of Jobs Do Environmental Engineers Do?

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院环境工程专业的毕业生有各种各样的职业道路, from working for major oil and gas companies, 采矿行业, and natural resource consulting companies. They also work for government agencies, including 美国nited States Environmental Protection Agency, 美国.S. Department of Agriculture, 美国.S. Department of Interior, and state and local environmental agencies. Montana Tech alumni become environmental engineering leaders and managers. 许多人继续在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院和其他著名机构攻读研究生学位.

Engaged 教师 with Experience and Expertise

For environmental engineers, 2023

86% Fundamentals of 工程 (FE) Pass Rate

The Montana Tech Environmental 工程 Program was a great fit for me. 它提供了一个广泛的视角,以了解环境行业的各个方面,并为我提供了在我选择的任何道路上取得成功的工具. 作为一个企业主, 我尽可能多地雇用菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的毕业生,因为他们已经准备好投入工作. 他们的职业道德, 解决问题的能力, 他们的学习意愿使他们成为对公司未来的巨大投资.

乔什·文森特 B.S. 环境工程,1997 创始合伙人 & 水务总工程师 & 环境科技有限公司.

Explore Classes in Environmental 工程

Your Montana Tech courses will give you a strong foundation in mathematics, 物理, 化学, 生物学, 工程基础, as well as economics and the humanities and social 科学. Environmental policy, legislation, and regulatory aspects are emphasized. 工程设计 贯穿于整个环境工程学位.

Learn More About Environmental 工程

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Get semester-by-semester info about environmental engineering courses.


Explore other programs in engineering and related fields.



化学 molecules written on a wall


Student and faculty member looking at civil engineering structures

Civil engineering involves the design, 建设, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. 


We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Kumar Ganesan